Full Stack Software Developer
Creative Problem Solver
Let's Collaborate!
I am a software engineer with a background in visual arts. In my previous role, connecting with people was paramount to my success. Creating a unique and memorable customer experience sets me apart in this competitive market. Being detail-oriented, forward thinking, and an excellent communicator compliment my skills as a web developer when collaborating with others to conceptualize and produce projects.
Languages and Frameworks

G Lux Photography
Photo portfolio.
Technologies Used: ReactJS, TailwindCSS, emailJS, Javascript, HTML, & CSS.

Mileage Reimbursement Tracker
Mileage Tracker makes it easier for drivers to keep track of their mileage and make sure they get reimbursed the correct amount for each trip.
Technologies Used: Python, Flask, Javascript, Svelte, HTML, & CSS.

Personal Jukebox
As a user of Personal Jukebox App, you can add your favorite albums with additional information such as artist, year released, album cover, and a link to the playlist.
Technologies Used: MERN Stack, Mongoose, Express, React, Morgan, Cors, & React Router DOM.

Job Application Tracker
Job Application Tracker will help keep you organized when on the job hunt by keeping a log of all the necessary information for each application submitted.
Technologies Used: Python, Django, Neon Database, Javascript, React, React Router DOM, Milligram, HTML, & CSS.

Wedding Venue Tracker
Photo Assistant helps photographers log important information about wedding venues they've worked at. This will help them when working at the venue again.
Technologies Used: Mongo, EJS, Node, Javascript, HTML, & CSS.

Star Wars App
Star Wars App API. Explore all things from the Star Wars Universe
Technologies Used: Swapi, API calls, JQuery, Javascript, HTML, & CSS.

Contact Me
I'd love to talk about any future projects we can build together. Let's talk!